A massive thanks to all our incredible audience, contributors,
sponsors, authors, and speakers for making our event an absolute success!

Keep an eye out for updates and upcoming events.
The event recordings are now available on our website,

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Agency Growth Summit’24

The Agency Growth Summit

Are you ready to turbocharge your agency's success story?

Get ready to unleash your growth and take your agency to new heights with our game-changing "Agency Growth Book." This book and conference will help you conquer the ever-evolving digital world landscape.

Articles by some of the UK’s and USA’s’ top agency owners and coaches will help you say goodbye to stagnation and hello to growth and deeper client satisfaction.
We’ll also introduce some outstanding female agency founders to hear
their inspiring stories.

Sign up for your copy today and embark on a journey to a prosperous future.

Program - Day One - December 7th Thursday


We kick-off The Agency Growth SUMMIT

GMT 5:00 PM / ET 12:00 PM - Welcome

Building a Sustainable and Successful Agency - Jonathan Leafe

"...The further you look ahead, the faster you’ll get there, the straighter the line and the more predictable the journey will be. Honest! It makes sense. When I learned to fly, on take-off, my instructor told me to look at the end of the runway; that way you’ll avoid zig-zagging by over-correcting - great advice which I’ve had at the core of my agency-building journey and now my coaching career…”

GMT 5:10 PM / ET 12:10 PM - Keynote

GMT 5:30 PM / ET 12:30 PM - Sales Best Practices

Should your agency's sales function be founder-led or team-led? - Adam Graham

Eight sales mistakes that eat away your profit - Ben Potter

Improve your bottom line by reclaiming your power - Robin Bonn

Fractional Sales Directors or in-house - What are the key differences? Guy Littlejohn

Making More From Your Existing Clients - Karl Heasman

GMT 7:00 PM / ET 2:00 PM - Profitability 101

Simple steps to avoid scope creep and deliver projects more profitably - Freia Muehlenbein

Resource planning for Agencies - Marcel Petitpas

GMT 7:30 PM / ET 2:30 PM - What’s new in 2024?

How to Find and Attract Clients with Next-Gen Lead Generation in 2024 - Christian Banach

The 9 Essentials for Best-in-Class Client Service in 2024 - Rob Da Costa

AI - Will it take our jobs? - A lesson from history - Rob Sayles

How agency owners can win on LinkedIn - Sam Browne

Why All Agencies Should Feast At The Table Of Operational Principles - Andy West

GMT 8:30 PM / ET 3:30 PM - Keynote

M&A Secrets: An Insider’s View On How To Maximise Your Exit Value - Felix Velarde

I want to share some secrets that no normal agency acquirer will tell you. I’m doing this because I was an agency founder and CEO. I sold a bunch of agencies. I scaled a ton of agencies. Then I started buying agencies, and now I scale the ones we buy. And I wish I had known what I now know when I was building my first agency. So if you want to sell yours, you might find my story interesting.

GMT 8:45 PM / ET 3:45 PM - A fireside Chat

Tech-enabled Customer Relationships with Copper - Steve Holm

We chat with Steve Holm, Copper’s CEO, on how tech helps build better Customer Relationships.

Day Two - December 8th Friday


We kick-off The Agency Growth SUMMIT’s day two!

GMT 5:00 PM / ET 12:00 PM - Welcome

GMT 5:00 PM / ET 12:00 PM - Leadership and Team

Emotional intelligence: The key to success in your agency - Trenton Moss

The 8 rules to building high performing agency teams - Janusz Stabik

It’s all about you. - Chris Bantock

Back to the Office (or Not) – Navigating Hybrid and Remote Work: A New Leadership Frontier - Laura West

Management is Learned, Leadership is Earned: Key elements you can do right now to build true agency leadership skills - Chris Simmance

GMT 6:15 PM / ET 1:15 PM - Keynote

Lies agency owners tell themselves - Stephen Kenwright

Stephen holds the mirror to our face and asks the hard questions.

GMT 6:30 PM / ET 1:30 PM - Inspiring Female Leadership

Why do they call them soft skills when they are really hard? - Clair Heaviside

Why Marketing Is the Real Answer to Sales Problems- Katie Street

Internal collaboration - Keep the team together and facing the right direction - Nikki Gatenby

GMT 7:15 PM / ET 2:15 PM - Governance

Becoming a B Corp Agency - Jane Entwistle

Building a new business legacy - Brittany Atkins

Choosing the Right Accountant: An Agency Approach - Rory Spence

GMT 8:00 PM / ET 3:00 PM - Keynote

5 Steps to Better Forecasting and Capacity Planning - Tom O’Neill

Stop us if you’ve heard this one: Digital services companies like agencies and software development firms are constantly on the roller coaster of too much work or not enough – or too many people or too few to actually do that work! The common question becomes, “Should we just buy pizza and beg everyone to stay late for the next couple of weeks or pull the trigger and hire more help?!”

Speakers and Authors

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