Agency Growth Events Business Matchmaking at Virtual Events

Agency Growth Events Business Matchmaking at Virtal Events

Matchmaking is our bread and butter. Let us explain how we get it right every time.

There’s nothing like a good match when you find yourself talking to someone you’ve been looking for, even before you knew you were looking for them! Moments like these are magical and hard to come by, but some events seem to get them right more often than others. But what is the secret ingredient here? What makes the magic happen

Uncompromising data discipline, of course!

The key to creating a good business match is to make sure the needs and wants of both parties are perfectly aligned. To do that, we take our data strategy very, very seriously.

Let’s look at the data collection points for brand marketers and digital agencies at Agency Growth Events. Each user type is asked a set of three profiling questions with exact match data fields.

  • Topic of Interest vs Services Provided

  • Industry vs Target Growth Industry

  • Location vs Target Growth Market

  • Company Size

Agency Growth Events Event Registration - Digital Agencies

This way, our virtual business matchmaking engine gets a head start in matching people with the right interests together. But this is just the start. Often, what people say on a form and what they want are different things. When that happens (and trust us, it will), we rely on the AI of our multi-award-winning platform partner and silver sponsor, GRIP. After the initial matching table has been created, the system “learns” the types of connections you want vs the ones you don’t and will keep suggesting the type of people you like as new connections.

Even after that, there’s the actual meeting, where the rubber hits the road. After each meeting, you’ll be asked to rate the meeting (don’t worry, we won’t share this with anyone), and we rely on your meeting score to further adjust our understanding of precisely who you’re looking for.

It doesn’t end there. Since Agency Growth Events is a three-event journey, the matchmaking will only get better, and we promise to surprise you at the SUMMIT in December.

We look forward to hosting you at Agency Growth Events and inviting you to experience matchmaking the AGE way.

Dr. Barış Onay, Co-Founder & CEO | Precision Communities


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